All my images are copyrighted material, as displayed in this website or elsewhere.
All rights reserved. Not to be used without permission.
Any and all 3rd party images used in this site will be clearly attributed to their respective authors.
The images in my portfolio are displayed with a maximum size of 1 Mpx. The watermarking at the bottom of each image is not present in prints or framed works. All license levels above the smallest electronic level (E1) do not contain this watermark. The watermarks acts as both an identification of the image as well as a copyright message.
No previews or other images downloaded from this site may be altered in any way, nor used as ingredients for other images. They may not be stripped of their EXIF data or watermarking, nor used in any commercial setting.
See section Licensing files on rights and limitations when licensing my images.
My artist signature as found on printed and framed works, business cards, or anywhere else I choose to use it, may not be copied, scanned, photographed or in any other way, shape or form reproduced.
Any reproduction of my framed or printed works, in whole or in part, is prohibited without my written permission.
Contact me through my contact form or say hello on Facebook.
Buying pictures
Each image can be purchased framed, as a matted print, or licensed as a digital file.
Framed works can be manufactured in a number of different styles, including wooden and aluminium frames, acrylic, canvas or direct print on aluminium.
Multi piece wall art or entire tiled walls can be manufactured in a number of modern styles, including acrylic and canvas.
Wallpaper can be manufactured for any picture with available editions (not sold out). The wallpaper itself does not count as an edition.
Licensing digital files does not transfer ownership, it only grants the buyer a right to use the images in a defined setting.
Go to my page “The Experience” to read how I can help you pick the right picture(s) and the right size(s) for you and your wall(s).
Prints and framed works with shortest side of the image measuring 14″ (355.6 mm) or more, are limited to an edition size of 30. The edition spans all sizes above the lower limit.
Prints and framed works produced smaller than the lower limit of 14″ are not limited edition.
The digital file licenses are not limited to a set number.
Method of payment and shipping will be agreed upon in the individual case.
PayPal will be a typical choice for any buyer located outside of Norway.
Use my contact form to express interest in purchasing any of my pictures,
or get in touch on Facebook.
The matted prints will fit standard frames (metric sizes).
The buyer may freely reframe any picture where it is physically possible (excluding more elaborate mounts like acrylic).
I recommend that any original matting is kept unless it has been damaged. The matting keeps the glass away from the picture,
and reframing using a smaller frame without a mat, could be a bad idea. This especially holds true for large sizes.
Framed works can be manufactured with longest edge up to 180 cm or more, depending on the format of the original and the chosen material(s).
If a buyer chooses to display one or more of these works publicly, the author and title of the works must be displayed, as well as listed in any related printed or electronic material.
Prices for prints and framed works
Contact me for prices in NOK or USD for any size and combination of materials.
Limited edition
The prices for limited edition works follows a ladder making the price go up for the later editions, ensuring a certain exclusivity and rewarding early adopters.
Edition | 1-15: | Regular price. |
Edition | 16-20: | Price increased 10%. |
Edition | 21-24: | Price increased 10%. |
Edition | 25-27: | Price increased 10%. |
Edition | 28-29: | Price increased 10%. |
Edition | 30: | Price increased 10%. |
This 15-5-4-3-2-1 ladder makes the last edition 61% more expensive than the first 15.
There will never be made more than 30 editions of the limited edition sizes. This means that in the worst case scenario of production flaws or transit damage, any replacement picture can not be produced without the damaged/flawed item being destroyed.
Prices for licensing files
Contact me for prices in NOK or USD for licensing one or more of my pictures.
Licensing files
English version
In general:
Licensor: Synonymous with the photographer (Per Granaune).
Licensee: Purchaser of one or several licenses.
The license does not transfer ownership of the image, it only grants the licensee the right to use the licensed image in a defined setting. The photographer retains all copyright and ownership of the image. For all license levels, the photographer keeps the image in his portfolio, and will keep producing and selling framed works or prints, or enter the picture in competitions.
In all instances where the photographer is credited, the correct name and URL must be used: “© Photo: Per Granaune /” (or the same phrase in a different language). Licenses involving a watermark does not require additional credit.
There must never be given the impression that the photographer is someone else than the licensor – This also applies to licenses where credit is not required.
The licensed image can not be lent, sold or otherwise handed over to a third party.
The license is not transferable to a third party.
The license does not grant production of fine art prints or any kind of framed works. These kind of products must be purchased separately from the photographer.
The licensed image (complete or parts thereof) may not be entered in photo contests.
In the event of a breach of license, the licensee is given the chance to correct this without any incurred cost. If correction is not possible, or for other reasons is not done, an amount corresponding to 200% of a matching license level will be invoiced. The licensee will get usage rights according to this new license level. If no license level exists that permits the actual use of the image, 200% of the price for the current license level will be invoiced.
Repeated violations of the terms of use will revoke the license, and end all use of the image by the former licensee.
The licensing cost is a one-time fee. Licenses can be combined, e.g. Electronic Level 1 and Print Level 2.
Images are licensed in 100% original size. Specific smaller sizes can be supplied at no extra cost.
Electronic license:
The licensed image can only be used in an electronic setting, such as web pages, presentations and software.
The licensed image can not be used in any form of printed matter, including (but not limited to) books, magazines or settings besides web pages, where printout is part of the functionality.
Print license:
“Print” in this case includes printed matter such as books, magazines, news papers, posters, flyers, etc. The license also covers print or embroidery of clothes, as well as any engraving or production of physical products (including food). This license is required for electronic settings in which printout is part of the functionality (see Electronic license).
The licensed image can not be used in electronic form, including (but not limited to) web pages, presentations or software.
The license levels may restrict the number of produced items, or the total size of circulation for a periodical.
Digital Negative:
This is the only license that allows for use of the whole image or parts thereof in artwork.
The supplied RAW-file can be used to produce an unlimited number of images for either electronic or print use.
License levels:
Electronic Level 1 (E1):
The image can be used a total of 3 times, including all articles, pages or occurrences in software, etc.
No editing is allowed besides scaling when needed. The image contains watermarks by the lower edge crediting the phogographer (“© Per Granaune” and “”). The watermarks must never be removed, retouched or blocked in any way.
The image is supplied as a 100% sRGB JPG.
Restrictions apply as described under the general terms
Electronic Level 2 (E2):
The image can be used an unlimited number of times.
The image can be scaled or cropped as needed, but no other form of editing is allowed. The image contains no watermark, but all use of the image must credit the photographer.
The image is supplied as a 100% sRGB JPG.
Restrictions apply as described under the general terms
Electronic Level 3 (E3):
The image can be used an unlimited number of times.
The image can freely be edited. It is not necessary to credit the photographer.
The image is supplied as a sRGB TIFF.
Restrictions apply as described under the general terms
Print Level 1 (P1):
Total number of printed items is limited to 1000. This includes any circulation of periodicals, every edition of books, total number of posters, etc.
No editing is allowed besides scaling when needed. The image contains no watermark, but all use of the image must credit the photographer on the actual printed matter.
The image is supplied as a 100% AdobeRGB JPG.
Restrictions apply as described under the general terms
Print Level 2 (P2):
The image can be used in an unlimited number of printed items.
The image can be scaled or cropped as needed, but no other form of editing is allowed. The image contains no watermark, but all use of the image must credit the photographer.
The image is supplied as a 100% AdobeRGB JPG.
Restrictions apply as described under the general terms
Print Level 3 (P3):
The image can be used in an unlimited number of printed items.
The image can freely be edited. It is not necessary to credit the photographer.
The image is supplied as a AdobeRGB TIFF.
Restrictions apply as described under the general terms
Digital Negative (DN):
The image is supplied as an untreated original in RAW-format (DNG). All editing is allowed. It is not necessary to credit the photographer.
Restrictions apply as described under the general terms
Norsk versjon
Click here for English language
Lisensutsteder: Synonymt med fotograf (Per Granaune).
Lisenstaker: Kjøper av en eller flere lisenser.
Lisensen er en avgrenset bruksrett og ikke overdragelse av eierskap. Fotograf beholder i alle tilfeller copyright og eierskap til det lisensierte bildet. For alle lisensnivåer vil fotograf følgelig fortsette å bruke bildet i sin portfolio, herunder inkludert produksjon og salg av innrammede bilder eller print, samt bruke bildet i konkurransesammenheng.
I alle tilfeller hvor bildet krediteres fotograf, skal korrekt navn på lisensutsteder og websted brukes: “© Foto: Per Granaune /” eller “© Photo: Per Granaune /”, avhengig av aktuelt språk. Lisensnivåer hvor det inngår vannmerke behøver ikke ytterligere kredittering.
Det skal aldri gis inntrykk av at fotograf er en annen enn lisensutsteder – Dette gjelder også for lisensnivåer som ikke krever kreditering av fotograf.
Lisensiert bilde kan ikke lånes ut, selges eller overdras på annen måte til 3. part.
Lisens er ikke overførbar til 3. part.
Lisens gir ikke tillatelse til produksjon av kunstprint eller noen form for innrammede bilder. Dette kjøpes separat fra lisensutsteder.
Kun lisensiering av digital negativ gir tillatelse til bruk i kunst. Fotografens ferdigbehandlede bilder kan ikke benyttes helt eller delvis i kunstverk.
Lisensiert bilde kan ikke brukes helt eller delvis for deltakelse i foto-konkurranser.
Ved evt. brudd på lisensbetingelsene, får lisenstaker sjansen til å korrigere dette kostnadsfritt. Om korreksjon ikke er mulig, eller av andre årsaker ikke blir utført, faktureres 200% av pris for lisensnivå som dekker faktisk bruk av bildet. Lisenstaker har etter dette rettigheter i h.h.t. det nye lisensnivået. Om det ikke finnes et lisensnivå som dekker faktisk bruk av bildet, faktureres 200% av pris for nåværende lisensnivå. Gjentatte brudd på lisensbetingelsene vil føre til inndragelse av lisens, og følgelig opphør av all bruk av bildet.
Lisenskostnaden er en engangsavgift. Lisenser kan kombineres, f.eks. Elektronisk Nivå 1 og Trykksak Nivå 2.
Bilder lisensieres ut i 100% størrelse. Spesifikke nedskalerte størrelser kan også leveres, uten tillegg i pris.
Elektronisk lisens:
Det lisensierte bildet skal kun brukes i en ren elektronisk setting, dvs. websider, elektroniske presentasjoner, software, etc.
Lisensiert bilde er ikke tillatt brukt i trykksaker, brosjyrer, klær eller annen form for reproduksjon uavhengig av materiale. Dette gjelder også elektroniske settinger utenom websider, hvor utskrift inngår som funksjonalitet.
Den aktuelle lisensen kan legge begrensninger på antall ganger bildet kan brukes.
Lisens for trykksaker:
Med “trykksak” forstås i denne sammenheng alle former for bøker, magasiner, aviser, plakater, løpesedler, etc. Lisensen dekker også trykk eller brodering av klær, samt gravering eller annen produksjon av fysiske materialer (herunder dekorasjon av mat). Dette lisensnivået kreves for elektroniske settinger hvor utskrift inngår som funksjonalitet.
Lisensiert bilde skal ikke benyttes i elektronisk form – dvs. ingen bruk på websider, i presentasjoner eller programvare er tillatt.
Den aktuelle lisensen kan legge begrensninger på antall eksemplarer produsert/opplag.
Digital negativ:
Dette er den eneste lisensen som tillater bruk helt eller delvis i kunstverk.
RAW-filen kan benyttes et ubegrenset antall ganger som utgangspunkt for bilder til elektronisk bruk eller trykksaker.
Elektronisk Nivå 1 (E1):
Bildet kan brukes totalt 3 ganger – dette inkluderer alle artikler, sider og forekomster i programvare, etc.
Ingen redigering tillatt utover skalering ved behov. Bildet inneholder vannmerking ved nedre kant som krediterer fotograf (“© Per Granaune” og “”). Vannmerkingen skal aldri fjernes, retursjeres eller tildekkes.
Bildet leveres som 100% sRGB JPG.
Begrensninger i h.h.t. de generelle betingelsene gjelder.
Elektronisk Nivå 2 (E2):
Bildet kan brukes et ubegrenset antall ganger.
Bildet kan skaleres og beskjæres ved behov, men annen redigering er ikke tillatt. Bildet er ikke vannmerket, men all bruk av bildet skal kreditere fotograf. Bildet leveres som 100% sRGB JPG.
Begrensninger i h.h.t. de generelle betingelsene gjelder.
Elektronisk Nivå 3 (E3):
Bildet kan brukes et ubegrenset antall ganger.
Bildet kan fritt redigeres. Det er ikke nødvendig å kreditere fotograf. Bildet leveres som sRGB TIFF.
Begrensninger i h.h.t. de generelle betingelsene gjelder.
Trykksak Nivå 1 (P1):
Totalt opplag er begrenset til 1000 eksemplarer, inkludert alle generasjoner og varianter av produksjon (på tvers av produktgrupper).
Ingen redigering tillatt utover skalering ved behov. Bildet er ikke vannmerket, men all bruk av bildet skal kreditere fotograf på selve trykksaken. Bildet leveres som 100% AdobeRGB JPG.
Begrensninger i h.h.t. de generelle betingelsene gjelder.
Trykksak Nivå 2 (P2):
Det er ingen begrensninger på hvor mange produserte eksemplarer bildet benyttes i.
Bildet kan skaleres og beskjæres ved behov, men annen redigering er ikke tillatt. Bildet er ikke vannmerket, men all bruk av bildet skal kreditere fotograf på selve trykksaken. Bildet leveres som 100% AdobeRGB JPG.
Begrensninger i h.h.t. de generelle betingelsene gjelder.
Trykksak Nivå 3 (P3):
Bildet kan brukes et ubegrenset antall ganger. Bildet kan fritt redigeres. Det er ikke nødvendig å kreditere fotograf. Bildet leveres som AdobeRGB TIFF.
Begrensninger i h.h.t. de generelle betingelsene gjelder.
Digital negativ (DN):
Bildet leveres som ubehandlet originalfil i RAW-format (DNG). All redigering tillatt. Det er ikke nødvendig å kreditere fotograf.
Begrensninger i h.h.t. de generelle betingelsene gjelder.